a few months ago our extended family’s favorite cat started to decline in health. when it was clear it was the beginning of the end, my mom and i (and bella) drew pedo during one of her naps –– at the request of my sister –– and then i asked my brother-in-law to write pedo’s story to accompany the sketch in a frame some day.
i’ve listened to josh read these words aloud numerous occasions since he first put them to paper … and it’s reinforced my hope in the power of storytelling as a means to heal.
pedo was laid to rest on friday behind the dome (july 23, 2021.)
her story will live on forever in our hearts… and for at least a little while, it also appears below with some images.
pedo’s place
[written in “her voice”]
by Josh Rankin
My name is Pedo. I know what you’re probably thinking. Did you say Pedro? No, I said Pedo. My name means fart in spanish. Sounds bad right? Well it’s not bad. I love my name and I love my man who gave it to me. We weren’t always friends, especially early on. I guess a good place to start is at the beginning. I was born in Richmond, Indiana. For my first year of life, I lived in a horse barn at Earlham College. The job I was supposed to do was catch mice in the barn. There was another cat there who used to chase me into the rafters and not let me get near the food. I’m a lover not a fighter, at least that’s what I was told a few years later at a vet’s office in Colorado. Getting chased up to the rafters forced me to find a new scene. There was a lot of noise coming from an apartment across the street from my barn. It was good noise so I went to check it out. Besides, I was hungry that greedy bastard of a cat had made it impossible for me to eat. There was a party of sorts going on and the people were nice to me. They brought me some milk and a little bit of food. One of the girls rode horses at the barn and I heard her tell this guy that he should look out for me. He seemed reluctant at first. I went back the next day and it was just him. I don’t think either of us realized it at the time, but he’s my guy and I’m his cat. His name is Josh and although he moved us a lot those first few years and I think he even tried to give me to somebody named “Craig Slist” a couple times, he’s my best friend. After a year together in Richmond, we moved to Monte Vista, Colorado. That was a pretty nice place but kind of a rough town. Josh let me out whenever I wanted and I got in a scrap with a mean son of a bitch out behind our house. I realized I was in over my head and tried to run, I don’t like fighting, and was bitten right at the base of my tail. It hurt like hell! Josh took me to the vet and the woman thought my name couldn’t possibly be Pedo, apparently she spoke Spanish. Josh explained that it was. I could hear the worry in his voice when he described what happened to me. I think that was the first time I realized he loved me. After a year there, we moved to Madison, Wisconsin. We had a dog named Maddie and a girl named Julie at that time. Maddie was alright and Julie was nice to me. They all doted on Maddie, even Josh. I didn’t really care, I knew he’d be back. He was simply going through a dog phase, it happens. We all fall for emotionally shallow animals at times.
After a year and a half in Madison, Josh moved me into a place I had never been before. This place was nice and the person who lived there was even nicer. Her name is Quinne and she’s my girl. Here was a person that got cats. I give Josh credit, because he really tried, but Quinne she’s a natural. We cozied up together instantly and there was zero dog confusion. She got me and I her. A few months later we let Josh move in. We three were really happy there. There was a lot of commotion going on after a while and Josh and Quinne started packing up everything. I was confused and kind of scared. And then one day Josh told me with tears in his eyes that he and Quinne were leaving for a while and then they did. I was sullen at first but relieved they left me with Quinne’s sister Robin. She also gets cats and we lived in a big apartment building. It was nice there. Robin and I became good friends. All of sudden there was a dude who started coming around, Casey. He was kind of goofy and liked to play with me a lot. I liked that too. It was fun to chase and run around. I then lived with Quinne’s other sister Amanda and her fella Todd. They were calmer and their place was cozy and quiet except when sports were on then Todd was loud. Nothing new, I mean Josh is my guy and we’re both Hoosiers, so I’ve seen that shit before. After a bit, Josh and Quinne came back. Where had they been? What is China? They moved us into a place that I swear is cat paradise, our forever home, the dome. This is living. There are woods, tons of natural light, a loft bedroom, railings and still all the mice a cat could want to chase. There was a man who lived next door who never stood up. He was wonderful. He’d pat his leg and I’d jump into his lap. I spent many a day going over to his house and he was always excited to see me. He had the biggest smile and the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen. His name was Harvey and I’m so glad I got to meet him. Things have changed the last few years. The biggest of which are three little people, Oliver, Bella and Ellis. They are my kids, I love them with all my being. Oliver is gentle and kind, Bella is thoughtful and pets me with great care and Ellis smiles and laughs with the same steely blue eyes his uncle Harvey had. I’m getting on in years now. The bathroom has been tough to figure out and I know that frustrates Quinne and Josh. But they still love me unconditionally. I sleep by Quinne’s head every night. They are my people, they are my family and I love all of them dearly.
My name is Pedo…

1 comment
Join the conversationMARY BRAY - July 30, 2021
I really like this story about Pedo. I am so sorry to hear that Pedo is gone. I would have loved to meet Pedo and hold her and pet her. I am so sorry for your loss Josh and family. You are all in my heart and in my prayers. Love and hugs, Mary Bray