
everyone’s favorite cat

a few months ago our extended family’s favorite cat started to decline in health. when it was clear it was the beginning of the end, my mom and i (and bella) drew pedo during one of her naps –– at the request of my sister –– and then i asked my brother-in-law to write pedo’s

casey + zealand

part of my birthday present to casey … all of the photos of him and z in one place for constant viewing pleasure. the epitome of a man’s best friend. impossible to “pic” a favorite.

let’s talk (& draw) about addiction

i wish i were addicted to something positive. like kale. but i’m not. i’m addicted to my phone. i’m addicted to instagram. i’m addicted to facebook. i’ve watched the “the social dilemma“. i’m aware of the signs. i have an addictive personality. i come from a lineage of addictive personalities. my great-great uncle died falling

get that a man a puppy

i’ve known from very early on that my husband was obsessed with pets. our relationship began because of a cat. he has more pictures in his phone of my uncle’s dog than of me. so we did it. after 10 years together. a million conversations on the topic. being chastised by friends even though it

bird therapy

i’m about to get on the road for wisconsin for a two week visit. it’s an 8 hour drive that i’ve done countless times from st. louis to be with my family. this time it’s during a pandemic. this time it’s by myself. this time i’m more anxious than normal. this time it’s needed more

harvey’s gardens (3 of 4)

an article about my uncle harvey was printed in the milwaukee journal sentinel august 13, 1995. it describes the oasis he created on his land following his accident better than I ever could … so i transcribed what was written. enjoy! [p.s. the above is a framed print of the original article, circa 1994]


harvey’s passing (2 of 4)

through this process of blogging and self-reflecting, i have stopped making assumptions about the day of harv’s accident [aka my birthday] and i finally sat down and did the math [one of my absolute least favorite things to do.] this has lead to a profoundly personal realization … i have no doubt this “story” will

symbolic racism fire drawing

let’s talk (& draw) about racism

yesterday i called my mom around noon as i have nearly every day since April 22nd because of COVID and social distancing. i live in a different state from my mom and have never felt closer to her. we draw together. we talk if there is something to say but we mostly just draw. for

my birthday

i have a tricky relationship with my birthday. for most people, the day your were born is an obvious reason to celebrate [for example, my cousin gene insists on having a party on her exact birthday regardless of the day of the week]. don’t get me wrong, i’ve had some epic parties and wonderful memories


when casey [from chicago] and i started dating, he said he would never visit green bay, wi [my home town]. let’s just say … that would have been a deal-breaker in my pursuit of my third necessity [out of four] for happiness … a fulfilling relationship. so how did a packers fan and a bears