
why now

reason for starting blog = inspiring joy in myself and others.

recently, i’ve realized four things in my life matter more than anything…

  1. proximity to family
  2. success in work
  3. a fulfilling relationship
  4. time for me

i have found ways to put my family first despite miles between us. i have kept my career thriving and our marriage is stellar and yet, i constantly question what it means to truly be happy …

so why try to answer that question now?

because of what’s happening in the world, i’ve literally been forced to stay home with my non-stop thoughts and ideas and need an outlet.

two years ago was one of the darkest periods of my life and 99% of people who know me would likely have never been able to tell. i felt like i was drowning but couldn’t explain it. i lost my college roommate to a heroin overdose. it was beyond tragic but what hit me hardest was that the first thing my dad said when i told him was: “that could’ve been you, rob.”

was he right? it shook me to my core …

jenna was absolutely amazing. a bolt of lightning in everyone’s lives but i realize now that we both struggled with incredible highs and deep, heart-wrenching lows. what we had most in common was that neither of us talked about it. we merely chose different ways to cope and escape. i go to yoga and take long walks but mostly i’ve gotten so great on focusing on everyone else’s happiness instead of my own.

a year before that

we lost a pillar in our family — my uncle harvey. my life and harvey’s were completely intertwined in the summer of 1987. within the void of losing him, i’ve finally been able to acknowledge how my life has been impacted by the tragic motorcycle accident that left him paralyzed … driving home from my third birthday.

moments matter.
experiences matter.
words matter.
they shape us into who we are.

i’ve spent the last three years pouring my heart into a project to restore his house with equal parts love and guilt. i’m ready to admit that his accident was not my fault and explore ways to heal from it. this site is my attempt to do that and potentially inspire others to do the same.

Robinwhy now

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1 comment

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  • Josh - April 9, 2020 reply

    Great start Rob! I’m proud of you. This is really beautiful and so are you!

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