
becoming neon

i designed a calendar in 2020 that never got printed. a year later, i updated the file and tried again. remembering my initial failure, i started doubting the direction i was flying. you see failure is not something i handle well. in fact, failure was not something i’ve needed to “handle” at all. i didn’t

note to self.

[BIRD NOTE: in december of 2020, i sat down and wrote a letter to myself as part of a new endeavor. below is the text i loaded to — with edits in red to add some “color.”]


[BIRD NOTE: i started writing this in january but never posted it … because… duh … i was afraid. every time i start to see daylight the darkness creeps in so below is my attempt to fly into the eye of the storm. my fears.] i woke up to a puking dog this morning. upon

f*ck fine

every so often life comes completely full circle. call it synchronicity. serendipity. fate. coincidence. call it whatever you like. it’s f*cking incredible.


it’s earth day. one of my most favorite days of the year [!] … for one single day … i can walk around picking up trash and no one will judge me. i’m over here “decluttering” why i give a damn what others think — in all scenarios but especially this one. no one wants

bird hole: dancing

three years ago [march 2, 2018] i sat in a bar amongst college friends i hadn’t seen in over a decade – remembering jenna. she was incredible and while we were all devastated … i admit that many of us were not entirely shocked that she was the first go.


bird hole: glasses

the universe is a wonderfully, tricky b*tch sometimes and she [yes, she] has smacked me between the eyes once again. as explained in a previous post, every so often [a.k.a. all the time] when i am about to “take flight,” i fall down a bird hole. it happened, again.

(new) flight pattern

i have worked nearly every day since i was 15. work has come to define who i am. it is not ALL that i am. i’m finally ready to fly in a new direction…

knowledge bomb art robin alexa haugen illustration

knowledge (f-)bomb

last night i had a bomb dropped on me. this morning i woke up ready to fight back. then i paused to understand and strategize [like i always do]: … what am i hoping to achieve?… what do i want the response to be?… and most importantly, will throwing more bombs help me? let’s answer

american flag robin alexa illustration

i didn’t vote for obama

there i said it. in 2008, i lived in chicago and i didn’t manage to get to the polls to help elect our first african american black* president [check out this article to understand why this distinction matters and this video to reinforce things.]