
my birthday

i have a tricky relationship with my birthday. for most people, the day your were born is an obvious reason to celebrate [for example, my cousin gene insists on having a party on her exact birthday regardless of the day of the week]. don’t get me wrong, i’ve had some epic parties and wonderful memories


saving the best [aka hardest] for last in laying the foundation of four things that matter in my search of happiness … proximity to family ✓ success in work ✓ a fulfilling relationship ✓ time for me


when casey [from chicago] and i started dating, he said he would never visit green bay, wi [my home town]. let’s just say … that would have been a deal-breaker in my pursuit of my third necessity [out of four] for happiness … a fulfilling relationship. so how did a packers fan and a bears


second on my list of things that matter is success at work. what i consider “work” isn’t always a job that provided a w-2.

Family Circus Childhood Sketch


before i dive into the main story i’m here to tell, i want to set the stage … in my previous post i mentioned the four things that matter more than anything else in my life … and #1 is proximity to family. what that means for me might be very different than what it


we [myself emphatically included] are so often focused on outcomes, likes, measurements and impressions. i’m doing this for me first. i have a story to tell. i have a million ideas to share. and i’ve been pouring my heart into something special for my family and i plan to document it without worrying about where